Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Games and GPAs, A Student Perspective

With video games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, and Assassin's Creed: Revelations recently being released, its becoming harder for students to focus on their studies. 

With finals coming up, that could be a major problem for some students. 

Zach Kuzmanic, a junior computer science major at MSU, has always been a huge video game fan and believes that balancing games and grades is a matter of prioritizing your time wisely.

Kuzmanic didn't bring any of his games freshman year because he wanted to focus on school and not be distracted. He has since brought his games to school and it hasn't really affected his grades.

"It's just a a matter of prioritizing and those who are bad at prioritizing would probably waste time elsewhere if they didn't have video games," said Kuzmanic.

Kuzmaninc said he probably plays about two hours of video games a day and knows when to put his studies first.

Kuzmanic also mentioned that video games aren't going away anytime soon so those who can organize their time properly will have no problems with video games affecting other parts of their lives.


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